I wanted to get one more journal page in for Alison's Play It Again theme at **Art*Journal*Journey. I was also playing in the Watercolor challenge at Splitcoaststampers.com which is all about making butterflies while playing with your colors, brushes, and marks. Super relaxing and fun. My song for the AJJ challenge is Where Were You? by Ghostship. I did mine in my Journal Bible. To be honest, I just opened up the Bible and this is the page it opened to and I went with it. If I stretch, I can say that Job's loyalty freed him, or that when God restored him, he felt free. Then the butterflies make more sense. We could probably go in 50 different directions with this if we thought about it. It is freeing to think that suffering will end one day - one day soon or eventually and God has it all under control and it is all part of His plan - one we can't understand always but that isn't our job. Job modeled an understanding of that that few can...