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Showing posts from May, 2024

Quality Time, a Blind Tiger, and Collateral Damage

 Happy T-day a day late.  I am a day earlier than last week so maybe I will be on time next week. I am joining my T-day friends T-day friends over at Elizabeth's Blog and sharing a drink.  This one is a Sugar Free Blind Tiger - much better than the sugar free and fat free one I had last week (yuck).  I drank this lovely drink last Friday while reading a library book and waiting for my daughter.  I had another one yesterday while helping my grandsons read library books. They had ice cream and read 2 books a piece. Then we went to the pizza place across the street and they read 2 more each during lunch.  I am doing Grandma's Reading Camp again this year. One day a week, we go to the library and pick out books. They get points for every book they read (more points for harder books). Points equal money at the end of the summer.  I do this to try and keep their reading skills fresh. They are 7 and 8 years old so keeping those skills up is super important. They read all the books,

T is for Thursday and for Catching Up with Friends

 I miss my T-Day friends so I am jumping in to say hello.  HELLO - T-DAY FRIENDS! It is Thursday instead of Tuesday, but I have been running about two days behind for a few months now - lol - but seriously.  I used to laugh at people who said they were retired and had less time now, but I am so understanding them now. Work took up 10 -11 hours a day, 5 days a week, but it basically was a standing "No" to so many things.  Now I can do all those things (or at least some of them).  Fun but exhausting. I am still using my Sweet Home Alabama mug for morning coffee. Today, I am toasting all the T-day girls who meet up at Elizabeth's Blog and share a drink related post.  I am creating more since I retired - still making cards, but I am painting more of them or at least part of them. I won't bore you with a ton of them (I really have been doing a ton of them but trying to send most out so I don't fill my house with them - lol). This one is a card for a challenge at Split

Blue and Yellow - Such a Great Combination

 Hello Crafty Friends. It had been so long since I posted on my blog that I posted this Just Add Ink #702 post to the wrong blog - not my personal blog.  Boy is my face red.  The challenge is over, but I wanted to post it anyway because the colors are wonderful on this and the sketch for Just Add Ink is fabulous!   The paper is all Stamping Up! - a new paper collection which I may order another set of because I love it so much.  I did fussy cut some lemons and flowers to add to this and I sponged it all in my favorite ink - Tim Holtz Distress Vintage Photo. I am going to try and start posting on my blog again. Hugz, Nancy