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Exotic Beer, Fun Coffee, and Some Bees

 After discovering Prevail Union coffee shop in downtown Mongomery, Alabama, we decided to go back again this weekend.  Ok, let me be honest, it was to buy another beer. Beer at a coffee shop?  Yes, but they only sell fun beers.  This Xocoveza Tres Leches is my favorite beer of all time.  This is what the Beer Advocate says about it:

Stone Xocoveza Tres Leches combines the inspiration of Oaxacan Hot Chocolate and Tres Leches treats in an imperial stout that’s smooth, creamy and intensely indulgent. Made from all that’s good about the holidays, Stone Xocoveza is brewed with chocolate, coffee, Pasilla peppers, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. At the pop of the can, the aroma is intense – cinnamon and spice up front with lingering coffee, caramel and sweet vanilla. It is a lively blend of flavors. Sweet spices are balanced with rich and creamy chocolate. Mild roast coffee flavor shines through and vanilla enhances the intense combination. Pasilla peppers impart a light hint of heat in the finale. With all that complexity, the beer is surprisingly bright on the palate, with just a touch of the residual sweetness that all the decadent flavors imply. Like a slice of Grandma’s tres leches cake and a sip of Oaxacan Hot Chocolate, the result is creamy, intensely flavorful and silky smooth.

Evidently, they only make it around the holidays.  There are 3 cans left at the coffee shop and I am guessing they are the last three in this part of the world.  This weekend, I am going to go buy the other three.....  

It was the middle of the day so I bought the beer to take home.  We decided to try the Alabama Stinger coffee again, but we went with the hot version this time. Not an exciting picture of it, but it was wonderful.  While we drank our coffee, we walked around the newly remodeled old Kress Department Store.  The coffee shop opens into the building and it is beautiful - I highly recommend you click the link and check it out.   I have added living in one of the apartments to my bucket list.  I worked in downtown Montgomery for 15 years and it is right next to both places I worked.  I have a trip down memory lane every time I go there. 
Over at **Art*Journal*Journey*, Valerie has us looking forward to Spring.  I have this fun page with a bee theme - thinking it fits Spring since Erika at BioArtGal has taught us that bees stay in for winter.  It is almost time for them to come out!  The metal #1 is only on the page because the page needed something and I had just removed tit from a wine bottle my daughter gave me at Christmas. 

The page was made by stenciling some Distress Oxides around a few different stencils, then splashing with water.  Next I stamped the DRS Designs Script Font Background.  I added 3 DRS Bitsy Bees and the DRS Hang in There stamp.  This is a page with a message to myself: work is a bit tough right now, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy T-day to the T-day Gang who meet up at Elizabeth's Altered Book Lover blog every week to share our posts involving drinks. This week Elizabeth shared a coffee stained journal page.  You never know what the gang will share. 




  1. Interesting beer choice! I have some exotic local beers in the refrigerator that someone left here last summer, but we never seem to drink beer any more, only wine and non-alcohols. I should put it in soup.

    best... mae at

  2. Happy March Nancy. That beer does sound good. I love trying new beers and lately I've started trying ciders. I hope those 3 are left when you go back. Plus it's a cool can. And fun bee page too. Those bees are little cuties. I can't wait to see mine and have flowers blooming again. It's been a tough winter for everyone in very different ways, hasn't it? Thanks for the shout out too. Have a great T day Nancy, and thanks for sharing these bees with us at Art Journal Journey. It is a perfect spring page.

  3. Oh and thanks for sharing your page at AJJ too. I was so excited about the bees I forgot to mention that.

  4. Good morning, what an awesome tea shop, I have to really hunt to find a gluten free beer, but husband when he drinks beer he loves dark European beers and craft beers-the one you featured sounds really good.
    what a fun theme over at AJJ I need to check that out. I Love your journal page too, and so perfect for the beginning of spring too hugs Happy T Kathy

  5. Hi Nancy, that sounds like a beer I could like! Glad you could grab the remaining 3 tins. Glad you were able to enjoy your coffee, and your art journal page is fabulous, love the sunny colours- Thanks so mcu for linking to us at AJJ! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Hmmmm, that beer sounds super-yummy!!!
    The Store looks a bit like the company that just had to let me go cause the customer didn´t work
    Love the bee page, such a happy feeling it gives!
    Happy T-day and hugz

  7. I'd love to try some of their fun coffees. Kress! Delightful to see one still going strong :) Happy T Tuesday

  8. Okay, I think I would love that beer too:) How nice to have such fond memories of Montgomery and to be able to visit and reminisce too.
    Love your bee page!! Wishing you a happy T day, and an improvement on your work week.

  9. The beer sounds and looks amazing, I'd definitely be going back for more (grin!). I love your page too the bright yellow with the bees is so cheery - perfect 😀. Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  10. The beer sounds very interesting Nancy, and your page is beautiful!
    Happy March,

  11. I don't care for beer, but I love the graphic art on the can. Your page made me smile. Yes, time for the bees to come and and I'm trying to hang in there. Happy T Day

  12. I don't drink so I can't say the beer sounds interesting but if you find something you like, I can see why you want to go back for more.
    Lovely journal page and perfect for spring with the bees and the yellow.
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. Your beer sounds wonderful, even though I'm not a beer drinker. When in Mexico, I purchased some Oaxacan hot chocolate rounds so I can make my own hot chocolate. Thanks so much for sharing it with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nancy.

    Your seeing the Kress building is brilliant. I would put just SEEING the inside of the building and the marble slabs the owners found on MY bucket list!

    What a charming journal page. Bees are SO necessary in our lives, and I am glad you showcased them here. Thanks for this lovely journal page using Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  14. That sounds like a very interesting beer. We once tasted a coffee stout, it was very intense and you couldn't drink very much of it. In the end I prefer a good old-fashioned beer.

  15. Beautiful bee page, Nancy. Fun that you could go to the coffee shop and have all those memories. A fun thing to put on your bucket list. Happy T Day.

  16. A super looking can of beer Nancy and a lovely journal page, we definitely know summer is on the way when the bees appear.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your day and had a lovely trip down memory lane.
    It's good to be back after spending the last month sorting out my craft room.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  17. The beer sounds great to me and a fun coffee shop. LOL Your bee art is lovely have a great day.

  18. That beer sounds absolutely delicious. I would go back quickly and buy the remaining cans before they sell out.
    Interesting to read about the Kress building. It's going to be wonderful when it is in use. Interesting too about the slabs of marble with the black and white on it. A glimpse of history.
    Your bee page is gorgeous!
    Happy belated T-Day,

  19. Love your bee inspired page Nancy, it's lovely and spring like. Happy belated T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  20. I think your page perfectly encapsulates the joy of Spring. I cannot WAIT for it to arrive. Not a beer drinker, but will have to pass that on to The Hubster, who loves the stuff :D
    Happy Journaling!
    Mary Anne

  21. A lovely post to read Nancy. The journal page you created looks fantastic and those bees are a sure sign of spring coming. Thank you for linking to the new theme over at AJJ.

  22. Well that sounds like a fantabulous coffee shop with beer!! :) LOVE the AJ page and your fun background colors with the bees and script! Bees are something that I always look forward to in the Spring! Thanks for inspiring friend!

  23. I'm not a beer fan but coffee always sounds good. I love the page you made for Valerie's AJJ theme. Thank for for sharing, hugs, Chrisx

  24. What a beautiful page! I love the cheery yellow colors and your wonderful bee theme. And that's so clever that you used the #1 from a wine bottle gift! I also LOVE coffee and have never been to a coffee shop that serves beer, too!! That's amazing! Thanks for sharing!!! Hugs!! Sharon

  25. Here's hoping you got the last three cans. I cannot imagine a beer tasting of al those sweet things but it sure must be interesting. How come I never see anything like that?
    That is a great journal page you are showing us. I like anything to do with bees and that bright yellow background shouts Spring out to us all. Definitely a great colour for the season. Live the honeycomb effect you have got and the three little bees. The number is great too.
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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