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Vanilla Porter, Haunted Places, and Back To School Fun

Happy T-day!  Especially to the T-day gang over at Elizabeth's Blog where we all share a drink related picture/post.  I am starting this post off with one of my last drinks on our Georgia trip.  This picture was taken in the Airbnb we stayed near Savannah.  It was on hte Isle of Hope and it was right across the street from Wormsloe Plantation (seriously - we could just walk over to it and could see it out our windows.  The tree lined streets were amazing!  My drink is a vanilla porter from Breckenridge Brewery out of Colorado.  I was hoping for a good local one, but they didn't have any that I knew I would love AND I knew I would love this one.  It was wonderful.  Have you ever had it Erika?

I looked up the brewery and I would love to go there.  I especially wanted to go there after seeing their website which is VERY fun.  I espeically liked this ad for a  fun event they sponsor.  What a cool name - I think is a band but not totally sure and running out of time to look it up. 

Speaking of Shakey Graves lets get back to my last pictures I am sharing from Georgia.  I love haunted places, so we went to the Chickamauga Battlefield before we left Chickamauga.  The Battle of Chickamauga was the second bloodest battle in the civil war.  The Confederate army won, but lost 20% of its men. There are memorials and markers for miles and even in the trees/forest.  They battled all over the place.  Here is one of the memorials.
They say it is VERY haunted and being in the area at night is chilling. Going through their museum made me realize this was one of the stupidest wars of all time. Family killing family in the hot summer. More than half of them really had no idea why they were fighting and the leaders were all egotistical and fighting each other as well. There is a really cool ghost story if you are interested:  Green Eyes of Chickamauga Battlefield

When we went to Savannah we went downtown, drove to the beach, drove by the port, visited some of the Isles, went to several smaller graveyards, but my favorite place of all was the Bonaventure Cemetery (I know you are not surprised).  Some say it is the most beautiful cemetery in the U.S. and it is in the top 10 in the World. I had no idea it was 100 acres (not 100 acres of graves though).  We drove up and saw you could just walk or drive around for free so we decided to walk - lack of coffee may have had something to do with this crazy decision...  It was middle of summer in a swampy area of Georgia.  The bugs started coming out pretty heavy and it was hot and spooky.  We tried to brave it for at least 30 minutes, but we decided to turn back as it was starting to get really buggy.  The lines are not straight in this cemetery, there are tons of buildings (literally), and the trees are BIG with tons of moss hanging from them.  The map was no help....My phone map was no help...Yes, we got lost!  Just when I started getting a little panic feeling, a sweet couple our age drove up and stopped. They were super nice and gave us a ride back to our car (they were actually lost too but it is way better to be lost in an airconditioned car than walking in bugs and heat). So now I can say I was lost in a cemetery - how fun is that.  I could have taken pictures of thousands of cool graves), but here are some of my favorites.

I want to go back and do one of the tours next time.  No chance to get lost and you would get a lot of fun information.  They took the famous angel on the cover of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil out, but you can visit it in one of the Savannah museums.  There are still a bunch of other angels to see - we didn't even get to the really good part of the cemetery.  

It is back to school today for two of my grandsons.  My daughter asked me to help her with some hello teacher gifts, and they came out super cute.  The plastic bears came from Walmart, and they each had a Starbucks and a Walmart or Target Gift card with a few fun supplies. Both children are delighted with their teachers.  Hoping it will be a great year. 

She saw this idea on TikTok.  I wanted to go buy some of the bears myself!  

Hope you have a wonderful week!




  1. Your adventures in the cemetery made me think of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, and then you mentioned it. Great adventure! Too bad about the bugs.
    best, mae at

  2. Hmmm, would love to try the beer!
    And haunted places, hm. We´ve been to the Freo prison twice and it was scary. They offer night-tours - but I´m afraid I´ll have bad dreams of freak, LOL!
    The war Russians who fight right now are clueless, too...
    Creepy green eyes!
    Nice of that couple to give you a ride!
    Hello teacher gifts! Such a sweet idea.
    Happy Beer... T-Day, Hugz

  3. Hi Nancy, glad you had a fun time. Getting lost in a spooky graveyard is really spooky, so I'm glad some nice people rescued you! Love the gifts for the teachers, nice idea! Have a great week, Nancy, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  4. How fun that is to lost in a cemetery! I can feel that experience! The gifts sound adorable and thoughtful. That sounds like a wonderful way to start the school year! I hope your grandsons have a fantastic year ahead with their teachers.
    Happy T day!

  5. Such adorable teacher gifts, I would love to do this! I always wait until last minute and don't know what to do.
    Those headstones are gorgeous! It would be a great place to go and sketch.
    I have been to Breckenridge, CO. In fact, my nephew is named Brecken after Breckenridge. We visited there several years ago and it is such a beautiful little town with the mountains in the background. We didn't visit the brewery but I am sure my SIL has been there.
    Happy Tea Day,

  6. How fun to get lost in the spooky graveyard! Glad you enjoyed the time and you were rescued! Your school gifts are super cute and so fun! It's that time of the year and I'm sure these will help! Have a wonderful day friend!

  7. What is it about cemeteries that some of us (yes, me too) are drawn to them? I took an independent study class as an undergrad, and I studied cemeteries. Have you ever thought that cemeteries are designed similar to cities? The old parts are in the center and the newer parts radiate outward. Some cemeteries don't follow that design, but it is true for the most part. I really LOVED seeing your incredible photos. Sorry about the bugs. Next time you'll have to stop and pick up a can of bug spray before you walk the grounds. I loved seeing the old crypts and mausoleums. Thanks for these photos.

    You and your daughter did a great thing with the bears. I know both teachers will be pleased and will more than likely give special attention to your grandsons.

    I had to laugh at Shaky Graves. A perfect lead into the scary cemetery. I'll pass on the porter, but it looks like they might have a stout. Thanks for sharing the cemetery, the bears, and the porter beer with us for T this Tuesday, Nancy. And thanks again for all that tea and those amazing ATCs.

  8. I haven't tried that beer, but it does look really good. I think beer labeling has surpassed wine labeling, and I will try a beer (or wine) due to the label. Not very scientific nor very gourmet, but I will try it. And wow, that is an amazing cemetery. I think a tour would be a great idea. I visited Savannah once, back in my twenties. And I wasn't there very long, but I remember it was a beautiful city. I need to go back I think. And those are fun back to school bears. Were your grandsons excited for school or wishing it was still summer? I'm a little late stopping by so I hope it was a great T day. hugs-Erika

  9. What a beautiful cemetery that is! I think a tour would be a great idea. Getting lost in a cemetery could get a bit spooky I assume. I have never been to Savannah, but I heard that is is a beautiful city. Maybe one day - preferably not in the summer.
    Wars are always stupid, a completely unnecessary bloddshed - and we will never learn.
    Happy T day!

  10. Ohhh you know I would love going there. Give me haunted any day. LOL What a beautiful cemetery. Back to school already? Those are very nice gifts for the teachers. I'm off to read the ghost story. Have a nice evening.

  11. How cute are those little bear gifts!! Fun! I want to go get lost with you in the cemetery! I love walking around old cemeteries, although I have never been on foot in one that big before! Lovely photos. Happy t Day, Nancy.

  12. I'd love to get lost in the cemetery with you. You photographed some beautiful stones. Cute and thoughtful teacher gifts, too. I bet they were much appreciated. Happy T Day


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